Welcome to Ahwatukee Foothills
Chamber of Commerce

Win Tickets
You can win
**ASU March Baseball Tickets** 2 to 4 tickets
**Chick fil A** 2 Desserts
**Bubba's 33** Gift Card
**Nello's Italian Kitchen** Gift Card
Click Below and Enter for our Ahwatukee St. Patrick's Give-A-Way
Engage, Connect, Inspire and Lead
Upcoming Events
Welcome New Members
I=Identify D=Define E=Empower A=Ahwatukee
Join us at Native Grill and Wings for the
IDEA Factory.
Join us for IDEA Factory, Lunch & Learn, some great discussion, process evaluation, and mentoring. The Ahwatukee Chamber and Power Partners welcome you to NATIVE. Join us for IDEA Factory and share and shape ideas and concepts into ACTION . Stop by and meet Local Business Leaders in Ahwatukee and connect with Greet magazine and meet up with some great friends and make some new ones! If you would like to donate, please bring a door prize, feel free to do so. We meet the 4th Monday of each month to discuss ideas and strategies that develop small business in Ahwatukee.